WGM160P MCU Release Notes

Release Version 1.0.46

Release date: 25-May-2021 

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.7 

Compatible Hardware: 

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader, CAT-1 LTE with support for over-the-air (OTA) update through WiFi and LTE. 

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox Basic with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader with support for OTA update through WiFi. 

JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal (UPT) with OTA update through the embedded CAT-1 LTE modem. 


New Features

Bluetooth can be used to configure the JuiceBox WLAN interface in compatible devices using the JuiceConfigure app, for iOS or Android.

Local configuration of maximum current level to reduce the maximum JuiceBox output current can be performed via JuiceConfigure through either the Wi-Fi or the Bluetooth interfaces.


Resolved Issues 

NTP time synchronization was not frequent enough, resulting in incorrect start and stop charging times when the charger is offline, as well as incorrect 15-minute interval data reporting. Frequency increased to once every 24 hours 

In certain situations, the crystal oscillator may become an unreliable time source.  This firmware overcomes this by using the WGM160P internal oscillator as the time source when the crystal oscillator is found to be incorrect. Checks performed every 1 minute 


Known Issues  

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly. 


Known Limitations  

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards. 

Release Version 1.0.38

Release date: 19-Mar-2021

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.6

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader, CAT-1 LTE with support for over-the-air (OTA) update through WiFi and LTE.

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox Basic with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader with support for OTA update through WiFi.

JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal (UPT) with OTA update through the embedded CAT-1 LTE modem.


New Features

The administrator for a UPT device can now perform an immediate configuration change on the UPT through the Cloud Management interface. This is in addition to the periodic configuration change refresh performed by the UPT.

The UPT charging session information screen displays the instantaneous charging power in kW for the active charging session.

An RFID tag can be used to initiate a private charging session on a JuiceBox connected to a UPT.


Resolved Issues



Known Issues

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.36

Release date: 22-Feb-2021

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.6

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader, CAT-1 LTE with support for over-the-air (OTA) update through WiFi and LTE.

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox Basic with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader with support for OTA update through WiFi.

JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal (UPT) with OTA update through the embedded CAT-1 LTE modem.


New Features

A JuiceBox with LTE is now compatible with the UPT where these used to be mutually exclusive options.

New web interface command to manually delete utility 15 minute interval records. This is a debug/housekeeping feature.

Utility interval data for which there is no activity are no longer transmitted to the cloud. This is an optimization that reduces the amount of data sent to the cloud.


Resolved Issues

After an OTA through LTE or through the UPT, the WiFi credentials stored in non-volatile memory would occasionally be lost after the OTA. This issue has been resolved.

JuiceBoxes with LTE and RFID could lose a packet an hour because of a clash with an RFID housekeeping task. This issue has been resolved.

For LTE, the JuiceBox now performs an additional check whether a complete directory server response is received before accepting that response. If the response is incomplete, the directory server request is retried.

A JuiceBox that has lost connectivity has a watchdog timer to reboot after 30 minutes to try to re-establish connectivity. The reboot is delayed for an additional 30 minutes if the plug is connected to an EV.


Known Issues

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.30

Release date: 04-Jan-2021

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.6

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader, CAT-1 LTE with support for over-the-air (OTA) update through WiFi and LTE.

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox Basic with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020. Supported hardware includes combinations of WiFi (IEEE 801.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz), Bluetooth, MiFare 13.56 MHz RFID reader with support for OTA update through WiFi.

JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal (UPT) with OTA update through the embedded CAT-1 LTE modem.


New Features

The JuiceBox WiFi can be used with WPA3 Access Points that support WPA3/2 Transitional/Mixed Mode.

LED scheme has been enhanced:

  • When a device connects to the internal JuiceBox Access Point in Setup Mode, the JuiceBox LED transitions from flashing blue to solid blue and beeps once.
  • If the Electric Vehicle is no longer drawing power, the LED transitions from flashing green (charging) to solid green (no longer charging).

The JuiceBox web interface (SETUP.COM) used by commercial JuiceBox users now has the latest Enel X colors and branding.


Resolved Issues



Known Issues

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly.

When firmware is updated OTA through LTE, occasionally WiFi credentials are lost on the JuiceBox.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.27

Release date: 28-Oct-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.4

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020

JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal (UPT)


New Features

Support for the JuicePedestal Unattended Payment Terminal with integrated LTE CAT-1 modem for public charging using credit cards. Functionality also includes Over-the-Air (OTA) update capabilities through the UPT LTE modem.

Support for JuiceBoxes with integrated LTE CAT-1 connectivity to connect to the EVSE cloud. Functionality includes support for OTA update through LTE and WiFi.


Resolved Issues

Resolved an issue with parsing of RFID tags which would cause intermittent read failures.


Known Issues

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.22

Release date: 06-Oct-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.4

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in Sep 2020


Resolved Issues

A 3 Phase Type 2 IEC JuiceBox charging a 1 Phase automobile no longer incorrectly reports 0.1A as the charging amperage. Note that energy and power were always reported correctly.


Known Issues

Power measurements across two phases (for example, on Isolated Terra power grids) are not reported correctly.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.21

Release date: 09-September-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.3

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation North American JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 with Type 1 J1772 output plug manufactured starting in December 2019

Next Generation European and LatAm 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox with Type 2 IEC output plug manufactured starting in September 2020


New Features

Support for 3 Phase and 1 Phase JuiceBox with Type 2 IEC output plugs

Support for Credit Card Reader Hardware


Resolved Issues

JuiceBoxes check for availability of firmware twice per day


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style over-current protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Over-current protection is not required by US/North American standards.

Release Version 1.0.14

Release date: 20-Jul-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.2.3

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Resolved an issue in which a charger can improperly enter Safe Mode, which prevents LED illumination and limits charging to 12A.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style overcurrent protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Overcurrent protection is not required by US/North American standards.

JuiceBoxes check for new firmware availability on a weekly basis instead of three times per day.

Release Version 1.0.13

Release date: 01-Jul-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Implemented stricter control of amount of simultaneous communication sessions to the internet, to reduce probability of charger improperly entering safe mode. Issue not completely resolved.

European compliant overcurrent protection was causing failure to charge issues with certain US market EVs, so overcurrent protection has been removed from the US JuiceBox code. Overcurrent protection is required in certain markets (Europe and China), but it is not required in the US. Overcurrent protection is viewed as an additional safety feature by Enel X, but it is not required by US/North America standards.


Known Issues

On rare occasions, a charger can improperly enter Safe Mode, which prevents LED illumination and limits charging to 12A.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

European-style overcurrent protection is not enabled on JuiceBoxes sold in North America. Overcurrent protection is not required by US/North American standards.

JuiceBoxes check for new firmware availability on a weekly basis instead of three times per day.

Release Version 1.0.11

Release date: 16-Jun-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Implemented stricter control of amount of simultaneous communication sessions to the internet, to reduce probability of charger improperly entering safe mode. Issue not completely resolved.


Known Issues

On rare occasions, a charger can improperly enter Safe Mode, which prevents LED illumination and limits charging to 12A.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

JuiceBoxes check for new firmware availability on a weekly basis instead of three times per day.

Release Version 1.0.9

Release date: 08-Jun-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Wi-Fi range improved; now comparable to the original eMotorWerks JuiceBox design.

Handoff between 802.11n to 802.11b/g now working properly. this improves compatibility with mesh networks.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

Release Version 1.0.3

Release date: 13-Apr-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Resolved manufacturing programming issue: A small percentage of JuiceBoxes had been incorrectly programmed at the factory and would not charge unless first connected to JuiceNet in order to sync the Offline Amps setting to the charger’s amperage safety rating.


Known Issues

Reduced Wi-Fi range when compared to original eMotorWerks JuiceBox design.

Handoff from 802.11n to 802.11b/g not working properly resulting in poor compatibility with mesh networks.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

Release Version 1.0.2

Release date: 28-Feb-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


New Features

Added support for JuiceBox Pro.

Added European Wi-Fi bands setting. Previous firmware versions only used the North American/US WiFi regional settings.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

Release Version 1.0.0

Release date: 28-Jan-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.1.11

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32, 40 and 48 manufactured starting in December 2019


Resolved Issues

Update to 4.1.11 base OS corrected intermittent issue where broadcast WiFI SSID would fail to be detected or displayed in JuiceBox WiFi setup.


New Features

Added support for the JuiceBox 48.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

Release Version 0.0.30

Release date: 28-Jan-2020

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.0.18

Compatible Hardware: Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32 and 40 manufactured starting in December 2019


New Features

Compatible with over the air (OTA) updates to firmware releases based on Gecko OS 4.1.X.


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.

Release Version 0.0.27

Release date: 03-Dec-2019

Operating System: Gecko OS 4.0.18

Compatible Hardware:

Next Generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32 and 40 manufactured starting in December 2019


New Features

Initial release for next-generation JuiceBox and JuiceBox Pro 32 and 40


Resolved Issues

Not Applicable – Initial next-generation JuiceBox release


Known Issues

Not compatible with over the air updates to firmware releases based on Gecko OS 4.1.X


Known Limitations

Wi-Fi configuration through Bluetooth not yet supported in firmware or mobile app. Bluetooth device setup will be supported in a future release.